Looks like JavaScript, feels like Ruby, and it is a script language fitting in C programmers.
This project is maintained by Kray-G
Block will create a scope and holding the list of a statement. Block is also one of statements.
For example, if
statement has a statement in then clause or else clause,
but a block can be there instead of a single statement to hold a lot of statements.
if (a > 0) System.println("positive"); // a single statement.
else if (a < 0) System.println("negative"); // a single statement.
else {
// block here, instead of a single statement.
And also the block has a scope. The variable shadowing occurs if the same name of variable was declared. Please see the example 1.
var a = 10;
var a = 100;
System.println(a); // => 100
System.println(a); // => 10