
Looks like JavaScript, feels like Ruby, and it is a script language fitting in C programmers.

This project is maintained by Kray-G

class Http


This is a network library of http connection. Supported HTTP methods are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE by default. And also you can use a custom method by request interface.


This is based on the libcurl library. As you know, libcurl library is supporting a lot of network interface. This Http class is one of implementation with libcurl. There is currently no other implementation with libcurl, but it is planned to be added one by one.


Name Content
sslVerifyPeer(tf) Enable or disable of verifying the peer’s SSL certificate.
sslVerifyHost(verify) Enable or disable of verifying the certificate name against host.
sslSetCaInfo(path) Sets a path to Certificate Authority (CA) bundle.
sslSetCaPath(path) Specifies a directory holding CA certificates.
setDebugDetail(tf, opts) Enable or disable a detail mode in debug. Hex dump will be shown when opts.hex is true.
setUserPassword(user, pass) Sets a username and a password for authentication.
setProxy(url) Sets a proxy URL.
setProxyPort(port) Sets a proxy port number.
setProxyUserPassword(user, pass) Sets a username and a password for proxy.
setTimeout(millisec) Sets a timeout in millisec.
setDebug(callback) Sets a callback function for debug. callback will be called with an argument of debugInfo.
addHeader(key, value) Adds a HTTP header by a key and a value.
removeHeader(key) Removes a specified key from a header.
setRedirect(tf, opts) Enable or disable a redirect. opts.max is available to limit the number of redirection.
setPostData(data) Sets data of POST.

Some Examples


Here is an example of HTTP GET method.

var http = new Net.Http();

# http.setDebugDetail(true, { hex: false });
# http.setDebug(&(info) => {
#     System.println("DBG> ", info);
# });

function get(http, url) {
    System.println("URL = %{url}");
    http.addHeader("X-Hook-K1", "What is this?");
    var length = 0;
    http.get(url, &(data) => {
        System.println("Received: %d" % data.length());
        length += data.length();
    System.println("Total = %d bytes" % length);

get(http, "");
get(http, "");
get(http, "");